Vitamin drips allow us to address imbalances and deficiencies in our bodies much quicker and effectively than ever before. Often, clients who struggle with chronic illnesses, gastrointestinal complications or stress and anxiety are not able to effectively absorb antioxidants and minerals through oral intake.

What is IV Vitamin Therapy?
IV is short for intravenous (in the vein). Vitamins and minerals are infused directly into the bloodstream by using a small catheter that’s placed into your vein. The vitamins and minerals are in a saline solution that enables more effective and efficient hydration than if you were to just drink water.
Yes, there is a small prick with a thin needle, but once the vein is accessed, the needle comes out and only the tiny thin plastic catheter is left in its place.
IV therapy is a method to quickly and effectively introduce fluids, vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream. By going directly into the bloodstream, your body can absorb 100% of the drip ingredients. When taken orally, only 30-60% of vitamins and minerals are absorbed due to the compromised health status of most peoples’ digestive tracts. Vitamin and mineral drip treatment should be seen as a powerful but adjunctive therapy and should not be used in place of a nutrient-dense healthy eating plan.
Is Vitamin Drip Treatment safe?
Vitamin drips at Nix & Tee are only prescribed and administered after a thorough analysis and in-depth consultation is completed and a script is written by the doctor. As registered nurses, we offer our clients a comfortable and relaxed environment to receive these therapies.
Vitamin drips are specifically formulated according to each client’s needs. These infusions can be used as stand-alone treatments or in combination with other therapies to improve the health and well-being of the client.
How often should I get a Vitamin Infusion?
How often you should do IV drip therapy depends mostly on your specific needs or treatment protocol prescribed by the Doctor. Remember that each client’s IV vitamin therapy is customized to specific conditions or requirements. As a result, the interval or frequency of vitamin infusions may not be the same for every recipient.
Many conditions (anxiety, depression, acne, psoriasis, post-operative, auto-immune, fibromyalgia etc) may require an intense period of treatment (1-2 months) during which you may need several drip infusions per month. This is typically followed by maintenance therapy.
Preventative and anti-ageing treatments are typically recommended 1-2 times a month.
Preventative and anti-ageing treatments are typically recommended 1-2 times a month.
The frequency of IV vitamin therapy is determined on a client by client basis. For preventative health and wellness, we recommend an IV vitamin drip every 1-2 months to balance out any vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Who administers the Vitamin Drip?
Vitamin drips at Nix & Tee are only prescribed and administered after a thorough analysis and in-depth consultation is completed. As registered nurses, we offer our patients a comfortable and relaxed environment to receive these therapies.
Are the Vitamin Drips formulated for indivual needs?
Vitamin drips are specifically formulated according to each client’s needs. These infusions can be used as stand-alone treatments or in combination with other therapies to improve the health and well-being of the client.
Vitamin drips can be used to treat the following concerns:
Stress and burnout
Pre and post athletic event / performance
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Acute viral illnesses and colds